Daris Rajih


Raden Rachmad (Sunan Ampel)

If Maulana Malik Ibrahim community in Java, then Sunan Ampel of Surabaya is recognized as the figure who cultivated and consolidated the influence of his predecessor. Tradition has it that Sunan Ampel was a kind of ‘older brother’, to whom the other walls went for guidance. Indeed, two members of the Wali Songo, Sunan Bonang and Sunan Drajat, were his own sons. It is said further that Sunan Ampel was the spiritual force behind the founding of Java’s first Islamic kingdom in Demak. As to the origins of Sunan Ampel, it is believed that his father Syekh Maulana Ibrahim Asmorokondi,who came from the Middle East or somewhere in Central Asia, married a princess of Campa, from where the young Raden Rachmad (Sunan Ampel) arrived in Java early in the 15th century. He died in A.D. 1479 and was buried at Ngampeldenta, Surabaya.

Di Rusia selatan ada sebuah daerah yang disebut Bukhara. Bukhara ini terletak di Samarqand. Sejak dahulu daerah yang disebut Bukhara. Bukhara ini terletak di Samarqand. Sejak dahulu daerah Samarqand dikenal sebagai daerah Islam yang menelorkan ulama-ulama besar seperti sarjana hadist terkenal yaitu Imam Bukhari yang mashur sebagai perawi hadits sahih.

Di Samarqand ini ada seorang ulama besar bernama Syekh jamalluddin Jumadil Kubra, seorang Ahlussunnah bermahzab Syafi’i, beliau mempunyai seorang putra bernama Ibrahim. Karena berasal dari Samarqand maka Ibrahim kemudian mendapat tambahan Samarqandi. Orang jawa sangat sukar mengucapkan Samarqandi maka mereka hanya menyebutkan sebagai Syekh Ibrahim Asmarakandi.

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March 15, 2008 Posted by | Kisah Sufi, Sunan Ampel | 1 Comment