Daris Rajih


Raden Jakfar Sodiq (Sunan Kudus)

As an historical figure, Sunan Kudus is difficult to pin down. An inscription discovered above the mihrab in the Al Aqsa Mosque in Kudus reveals that the building was founded in 956 H (A.D. 1549) by Ja’far Shodiq, who is generally identified with Sunan Kudus. The names ‘Ja’far Shodiq’ and even ‘Kudus’ itself, however, have puzzled historians, since the former was the name of an 8th century Persian Imam (Muslim spiritual leader), and Kudus (Arabic Al Quds = Holy City) was the ancient name for the city of Jerusalem. What, if any, are the connections ? Local Javanese sources state that Sunan Kudus was a man of great learning, as well as a poet and philosopher. The son of Sunan Ngudung of Jipang, he was a great religious teacher and is said further to have commanded the forces of the kingdom of Demak, before founding the city of Kudus sometime in the mid 16th century. Sunan Kudus is believed to have died around the year A.D. 1550.

1. Asal -Usul
Menurut salah satu sumber, Sunan Kudus adalah Raden Usman haji yang bergelar Sunan Ngudung dari Jipang Panolan. Ada yang mengatakan letak Jipang Panolan ini di sebelah utara kota Blora. Didalam Babad Tanah Jawa, disebutkan bahwa Sunan Ngudung pernah memimpin pasukan Demak Bintoro yang berperang melawan pasukan Majapahit. Sunan Ngudung selaku senopati Demak berhadapan dengan Raden Timbal atau Adipati Terung dari Majapahit. Dalam pertempuran yang sengit dan saling mengeluarkan aji kesaktian itu Sunan Ngudung gugur sebagai pahlawan sahid. Kedudukannya sebagai senopati Demak kemudian digantikan oleh Sunan Kudus yaitu putranya sendiri bernama asli Ja’far Sodiq.

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March 15, 2008 Posted by | Kisah Sufi, Sunan Kudus | 1 Comment